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Biblical Omen for the Current Times and the End of the Disease! Babylonian, Sidereal Astrology
The HIDDEN Knowledge of Astrology
Babylonian Astrology. The Omina, The Prognosis, The Dragon Herb by Rumen Kolev
2021 World Predictions with Sidereal Babylonian Astrology. Many NEW Beginnings!
2021- 2031: The Long Term FUTURE of USA & the World. Predictions with Ancient Sidereal Astrology.
10 Reasons Why Omens predictions is evil
The GREAT Saturn Jupiter Conjunction: 2020-2040: a BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD Emerges! NOT what "they" Plan
Prophecies and Visions of the New Earth and Humanity
Fascinating & Scary Astrology & Vibrational Revelations: Bill, Melinda and William Gates Senior.
PASSION, LUST & ANGER are themes of this eclipse cycle - how will it affect you and the world?
An interview on Babylonian and Hellenistic Astrology with Rumen Kolev
Michael Tsarion: Where History Ends (Part 1 of 3)